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Durham Rose’s Ten Commandments

What guides and sets us apart as a company is our commitment to excellence through genuine, human-centric ethics


1. The client is always at the heart of everything we do. It is your ring that we are designing with you and we understand that it is you who is the person asking your partner a life-changing question. What you want, is what we want for you.


2. Provide nothing short of quality products. We only sell hallmarked, quality-assured rings that are designed to withstand daily life and to stand the test of time to become a generational heirloom.


3. Treat everyone as equal. Your budget will not affect the service we provide; whether you are spending £800 or £800,000, our sole aim is to facilitate your inspiration to create together, the perfect ring within your means that you are completely satisfied with.


4. If it follows the laws of physics, we can make it. We like to push the envelope of ring design and manufacture and it is very rare that we are unable to make a design into a reality. In such instances, we will work with you to create a product as close to the original design intent as humanly possible.


5. Be transparent about costs. We communicate the costs of each element of your ring continuously throughout the design process so that you are always aware of costs and value.


6. Be accessible. We strive not to hide behind a web page and are always eager to communicate with clients by phone, email, text message, social media, post, carrier pigeon, propeller plane banners… okay, maybe not the last two, but hopefully, you get the sentiment we are trying to express. We are here for you. Every step of your journey.


7. Be discrete. We will never distribute clients’ personal details to third party agencies and will never bombard you with junk mail and offers.


8. Be Unique. We only create and distribute one-off, bespoke products that have been driven by you and your story. 


9. Be competitive. We sell our bespoke products at a fair price, passing on cost savings to the customer. We will never overcharge simply to exploit a client’s’ business and create maximum profits for our company. We believe strongly in a service that becomes integral to you, your family and your friends.


10. Be passionate. Always. We truly love designing rings – if we didn’t, Durham Rose would simply cease to exist, but it is you and your ideas that continually challenge us to stimulate our innovation and creativity.



If you like what we stand for and what we want to help you experience, contact one of our Design Team today and begin discussing your journey to forever perfection, today.


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